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bod ljongs/ rgyun bu'i mdud pa la brgyus pa'i rnam shes dang po

Author Analyticbkra shis zla ba
Title Analyticbod ljongs/ rgyun bu'i mdud pa la brgyus pa'i rnam shes dang po
Additional Contributors
Journal Titlesbrang char
Translated TitleTibet: Soul Knotted to a Leather Throng [Part 1 of 2]
Pages5-8, 55
Item Typesgrung thung/short story
Notes'di ni mu 'god sgrung gtam zhig yin zhing/ da dung bkod tshar med/ This story concludes in the following issue. The original title of this story in Chinese is Xi zang ji zai pisheng jieshang de hun, which was published in 1986 (Tianjin: Baihua wenyi chubanshe). For a study of this work and others by Tashi Dawa, see Patricia Schiaffini, Ph.D. dissertation (University of Pennsylvania, 2002). English translations of the story include: \"A Soul in Bondage,\" trans. by David Kwan, in A Soul in Bondage (Beijing: Panda Books, 1992); and \"Tibet: A Soul Knotted on a Leather Thong,\" trans. by Herbert J. Batt, in Tales of Tibet: Sky Burials, Prayer Wheels and Wind Horses (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001).
Keywordsbod kyi shes rig/bod kyi rtsom rig/sgrung thung/literature/modern literature/fiction/short story/translation/Tashi Dawa (b. 1959)