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de snga'i bod sa gnas srid gzhung gis lha sar yod pa'i go min tang don gcod khru'i mi sna sogs phyir slog btang ba'i snga rjes kyi lo rgyus dum bu

Author Analyticgshad sgra dga' ldan dpal 'byor
Title Analyticde snga'i bod sa gnas srid gzhung gis lha sar yod pa'i go min tang don gcod khru'i mi sna sogs phyir slog btang ba'i snga rjes kyi lo rgyus dum bu
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Book Titlebod kyi lo rgyus rig gnas dpyad gzhi'i rgyu cha bdams bsgrigs
Translated TitleA brief history of the expulsion by the former Tibetan government of personnel from the Guomindang representative office in Lhasa
Place of Publicationpe cin
Publisher Namemi rigs dpe skrun khang
Series Volume
Series Issue10
Series Editorbod ljongs srid gros lo rgyus rig gnas dpyad gzhi'i rgyu cha u yon lhan khang
Series Titlebod kyi lo rgyus rig gnas dpyad gzhi'i rgyu cha bdams bsgrigs
Keywordshistory/administration/politics/lha sa/guomindang/sino-tibetan relations